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India’s Data Center Capacity Set To Undergo Massive Boom With Six Billion Dollar Investments Over Next Three Years

India’s Data Center Capacity Set To Undergo Massive Boom With Six Billion Dollar Investments Over Next Three Years

India’s tech sector is undoubtedly a force to reckon with and new reports about the country’s data center capacity doubling over the next three years are now taking center stage.

Thanks to a new study by CareEdge Ratings, the country will invest up to six billion dollars in the form of capital expenditure that would pave the way for more capacity.

At the moment, India has a data center capacity share that comprises just 3% of what is seen in the global market but that might be changing very soon. This is all thanks to the fact that it produces 20% of the world’s data as per the study outlined.

The associate director for CareEdge Ratings mentioned how growth plans continue to give rise to serious investment prospects that the country hopes to undertake to better its global share. But it’s not going to be an easy task to tackle by any means.

The country is well aware of the fact that this project will arise with plenty of challenges. From land and equipment to proper management of the whole ecosystem as well, there’s a lot to take into consideration and materialize.

But experts still predict the industry to expand to this level of growth which features 5GW in the next five to six years so it’s a tough journey ahead but very doable, they added.

As per stats from the respective ratings agency, tax incentives and other means for cost saving are just some of the great ways to invite others to invest as the outcome can be massive.

Other than that, more measures taken by the states including tax incentives as well as localizing data would further enhance investment attractions. What do you think?

Image: DIW-Aigen

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This post first appeared on Digital Information World, please read the originial post: here

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India’s Data Center Capacity Set To Undergo Massive Boom With Six Billion Dollar Investments Over Next Three Years
