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86% of the Startups Surveyed Believe that AI is a Useful Tool for Marketing and Boosting Sales

86% Of The Startups Surveyed Believe That AI Is A Useful Tool For Marketing And Boosting Sales

A new report from HubSpot found out that AI has a lot of influence in the business world and many businesses are using AI for their marketing strategies that help them in their growth. The report was made after taking a survey of 1000 startups. 86% of these startups agreed that AI has helped them in their market growth one way or another. 60% of them said that using AI in their business has increased their product sales.

Ashley Groves, founder of a setup called Deaglo which was surveyed, said that everyone is starting to use AI in their businesses at different speeds. It is important to give employees a comfortable environment if you want them to use AI for business strategies. When they see that AI is quite useful and important for business, they are mostly ready to try it out. Informational technology and Software startups are investing the most in AI (83%).

The report says that many new and small startups are also using AI in addition to companies that are big and have all the latest technology. They are using AI for marketing, product development and customer services. 70% of the surveyed startups said that they have already made a team that utilizes AI for marketing purposes. Two-thirds of the surveyed startups said that they are ready to hire employees who have AI expertise by next year. This means that startup leaders know that AI isn’t just a technology but it is a powerful tool that helps them stay in competition in today’s market. As AI is getting popular, we will get to see companies that will dispose of traditional ways of working and will adopt innovative and smart ways to run their business.

The report also shows that AI is redefining the ways of working in this digital age. 62% of the marketing teams in startups are using AI as compared to 54% of sales teams that are using AI to boost the sales of a product. This shows that the marketing field is going to be one of the top fields with the influence of AI. The researchers also said that even if AI is quickly becoming a need in setups, its high costs and adoption are going to be a problem. It is important that people use AI as a collaborator or partner rather than giving it all the tasks to perform. Humans should still be at the center of work while taking help from AI. Even with some drawbacks, 78% of the founders of the startups believe that AI is going to help in their company growth in 2024.

Read next: A Report by Zscaler Finds Out that As Many Businesses are Adopting AI, Their Data is At Risk More than Ever

This post first appeared on Digital Information World, please read the originial post: here

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86% of the Startups Surveyed Believe that AI is a Useful Tool for Marketing and Boosting Sales
