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Hristo Prodanov, the first Bulgarian to climb Everest and the first climber to scale West Ridge solo without the use of supplementary oxygen

On the 20th of April in 1984, Bulgarian climber Hristo Prodanov made history by becoming the first climber from his nation to reach the summit of Mount Everest. He also made history by becoming the first climber to ascend West Ridge without the use of supplemental oxygen. During his descent from the West Ridge, Prodanov

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The post Hristo Prodanov, the first Bulgarian to climb Everest and the first climber to Scale West Ridge solo without the use of supplementary oxygen appeared first on Tranquil Kilimanjaro.

This post first appeared on Mount Kilimanjaro Blog, please read the originial post: here

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Hristo Prodanov, the first Bulgarian to climb Everest and the first climber to scale West Ridge solo without the use of supplementary oxygen
