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Ninja Kamui (S01E08) Review/ Recap

Plot Recap

Meanwhile, With Mike – Mike, Jason

It’s been a while since we’ve checked in with Mike and Jason, and the two are alright. Jason is freaking out, but Mike calms him, strengthens his resolve, and gets him to focus on the task at hand. This means getting Emma’s vehicle to allow Jason access to a computer and keep them moving to prevent another surprise attack.

Auza Takeover – Joseph, Emma, Higan, Big D

With Auza discovering the element cuborium, which allows their specialized reactors to produce 1.5x as much power as a nuclear reactor, this has been the key to them eventually controlling the world. Now, of course, the Ninja Clan has to be involved when some government representatives don’t want to get with the plan, but most eventually come to heel.

But, while Joseph is sealing yet another deal to solidify Auza’s international power, Emma finds a way to hack Auza City to allow her and Higan to leave without anyone being able to chase them. However, with Emma still needing a proper power source for Higan’s suit, she tries to steal what she needs and runs into Big D.

Now, unlike Lil, Big D seems to be honorable, and when it comes to fighting Higan, he isn’t just looking for the kill and the glory that comes with it – he wants a clean fight where he can say, without a doubt, he won. So, as it becomes clear that Emma’s interference and distraction will keep Higan from the top of his game, Big D lets Higan and Emma live to fight another day.

Trust Might Be Broken But It Can Heal – Mike, Jason, Higan, Emma

It’s time to face the music when it comes to Emma answering to Mike about what she has been doing and his feelings about it. As you can imagine, Mike is a bit emotional and feels betrayed, and Emma? She has mixed feelings. She is working towards something much bigger than Mike’s feelings, so while she feels bad, somewhat, she isn’t groveling for forgiveness.

After all, there is something bigger than them to focus on.



Big D Being Honorable

Lil set a precedent that pushed the idea Yamaji would let anyone become a ninja as long as they toed the line. But, with Big D being honorable, wanting to win a fair-ish fight? This sets a different tone. It also makes you wonder where did Yamaji find his lieutenants and are they from the era when Mari and Higan were highly ranked but “Ninja Kamui” doesn’t appear to want to dive into those topics.

Knowing Auza’s Long-Term Goals

While we have known the goals of our heroes, Higan, Emma, and Mike, as for the villains? Besides killing Higan for good, their goal has been a mystery. But with knowing now Joseph wants to control the world’s energy infrastructure, we have an answer to what they want. Now, is it built up so we should care and want Higan to expand his focus beyond Master Yamaji? No.

But maybe the show can figure out a way to make Joseph’s plan mean more and not be a D-list storyline.

Background Information

Episode Title Episode 8
Release Date March 30, 2024
Network Toonami
Director(s) Sunghoo Park
Writer(s) Shigeru Murakoshi
Previous Episode Season 1/ Episode 7
Series Page Ninja Kamui
Character Guide Ninja Kamui Cast and Characters

Cast Guide

Character’s Name Actor’s Name
Mike Shawn Hamilton
Jason Joe Daniels
Joseph Scott Gibbs
Emma Luci Christian
Higan Jeremy Gee
Big D Joe P

The post Ninja Kamui (S01E08) Review/ Recap first appeared on Wherever I Look and is written by Amari Allah.

This post first appeared on Wherever I Look, please read the originial post: here

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Ninja Kamui (S01E08) Review/ Recap
