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Dead Hot Series 1 Episode 3 Recap

Dead Hot Series 1 Episode 3 Recap

As the third episode of Dead Hot begins, someone calls 999 earlier in the day to say there’s a body and a lot of blood. The cleaners talk about the dead priest and a true crime docuseries. One cleaner snaps a photo of the body before being caught by the detective, Danny (Peter Serafinowicz). Seconds later, Danny calls someone to tell them that the priest is dead. Men enter and slice the throats of the cleaners. Now, Timothy (Alan Turkington) and Elliot (Bilal Hasna) continue fighting. Elliot asks why he has the pictures of Peter and Will’s nail polish. Timothy claims he left them there. He explains he was depressed when his ex left him until he saw Elliot on the dating app Horn’d. Elliot insists the account in question isn’t his. When Timothy invited him over, Will (Marcus Hodson) came over instead of Elliot.

Will claimed he was looking for people who knew Elliot. Timothy explains they realized they had a misunderstanding. Then, they just talked and Timothy forgot about his ex. He says they had sex and Will left his bag behind the next day. Will never got back to him after that. Timothy says this was two months ago. Elliot realizes Will was looking for him well before they met. Jess (Vivian Oparah) arrives at the destination. She approaches the house and is greeted by Tina (Rebekah Murrell). Jess asks about the credit card used for the DNA app. Tina admits it is hers, but it was stolen a few weeks ago. Both are distraught. Tina reveals there was a death in the family before inviting Jess in for tea. Eugene (Daniel Monks) and Rigby (James Ledsham) wait in the vehicle.

They talk about how they know Jess. Eugene asks Rigby if he smokes. Back inside, Jess tells Tina she is looking for her missing brother. As for Tina, her dad recently passed away. They talk about how Tina had a complicated relationship with her dad. They’re glad they met. Timothy tells Elliot that Will is playing him just like he did him. Timothy doesn’t know why Will had the photo of Peter although he Googled Peter. Elliot begins questioning whether Will killed Peter. Timothy doubts the guy is a killer. Elliot questions why Will did this to him. He calls himself stupid for not seeing through Will. Timothy tries to comfort him. They end up kissing and probably having sex. It is daylight by the time Jess leaves Tina’s house. Before Jess leaves, the woman, Tina, calls herself Mary. When Jess returns to Rigby and Eugene, she tells them she doesn’t want to talk about it.

She calls Elliot to ask what happened when he broke into Le BarkBark. Elliot tells her about his night with Timothy. At home, Elliot tells Jess he is going to find out what is wrong with Will. Jess wants him to come to the thing with Hannah’s boyfriend. Elliot tries to convince her to skip it. Jess wonders if Will went to their university based on the photos. Charlie (Brandon Fellows), Hannah (Kerry Hughes), and Karis (Jaylin Ye) are surprised when they arrive. None of them recognize Will. Charlie wants them to try the Baby Blood drink he made. Jess tells Elliot that they’ll meet Jimmy, stay for a few, and check out the library. Jimmy arrives moments later. Elliot keeps trying to get Jess to leave, but she tries to delay their departure.

They party for a while. Charlie talks to Elliot about Peter. Elliot walks outside before Jess joins him later. They head to the library. Elliot looks through the books while Jess dances. She tells him about meeting the girl from the DNA matching app. They find the yearbook photo of Peter. Jess is surprised to see a picture of Mary. The woman’s name is Christina Megargee. She wants to visit her immediately. As they travel to the train station, Jess tells Elliot what is going on. Jess suggests Christina gave Will the yearbook. They try to come up with a plan. Once they arrive, Jess gets over the gate and leaves Elliot outside. She tells him to call the police if anything happens. Tina opens the door and offers to tell Jess why she lied to her. When Tina’s miniature horse runs outside, Jess ends up breaking her phone. This concerns Elliot.

Elliot tries to climb the gate so he can help. He ends up calling for help. Tina tells Jess that she didn’t match with Peter. The police arrive and go inside with Elliot. Tina and Jess see Elliot and the police coming. Jess comes out and says there’s been a misunderstanding. She tells Elliot they should go. At home, Jess tells Elliot that the DNA was a match with Tina. In a flashback, Tina tells Jess that her dad gave her a picture of her mother. Tina believes it’s a picture of Jess and her brother. She thinks they have the same mom. In the present, Jess says her mom is pregnant in the picture. She’s had a secret kid with a priest. The priest is Tina’s dad and he was killed yesterday. Jess believes Tina who says she’d find her when it’s safe. Elliot’s grandmother calls to remind him he was supposed to meet Hamatha’s granddaughter Piana is waiting for him.

While Elliot goes on the date, Jess reaches the Megargee family. She finds out about Reverend Richard Megargee who was killed. He had a daughter named Christina and a son named Daniel. After she fixes her phone, Jess calls her mom and leaves a message. Elliot tells Piana (Erin Austen) that he does nothing. Jess gets a message from Tina who tells her to go to the bar, Baby Teeth, and wait by the red phone. Tina says they want her dead so she can’t tell anyone. Tina burns the cabin. Her son, Nico, tells her not to cry. Elliot notices that Piana has a bag just like Will. She tells him it came from Cross’d which is a boxing gym. Elliot calls Jess to tell her about the boxing gym. Jess agrees to meet him there. It’s right next to Baby Teeth. Elliot tells Jess that’s where Will took him on their date.

They go inside and try to get information about Will. Guys come out and put gloves on Will who has to take part in the event. He soon learns that Will is an instructor there and he calls himself Pauly P.

Dead Hot Review

Dead Hot had two semi-watchable episodes, but it turned into a typical Coben production with lots of unbelievable and dumb moments. The performances aren’t really the issue here considering everyone does okay in their respective roles. The issue is that this could’ve ended after three episodes and the story could’ve been more realistic.

Instead, it’s spiraling out of control with the storylines reaching out like an octopus. There are just too many angles being added so they’ll probably throw in the kitchen sink at some point. This didn’t even feel like a Coben production early on, but all the Coben flaws have come front and center. It’ll probably run around in circles and add 15 more twists before it ends in the lamest way possible as is typical for anything related to the Coben clan.

While the performances are good, the characters aren’t likable or even believable. After all, they have a possible madman hunting them, but they’re more interested in drinking with their friends. As the story progresses, a lower IQ will be required to accept what is being delivered here. The episode scores a 3.5 out of 10. Recaps of Dead Hot are available on Reel Mockery here.

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This post first appeared on Reel Mockery, please read the originial post: here

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Dead Hot Series 1 Episode 3 Recap
