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#1187 Coffee - a fragrant gift that awakens the senses and cultivates gratitude for life's simple, yet exquisite pleasures..☕

#1187 Coffee  - A Fragrant Gift That Awakens The Senses And Cultivates Gratitude For Life's Simple, Yet Exquisite Pleasures..☕


Showcasing the amazing new works available now from some awesome designers.

So what are you waiting for, come take a walk to our destinations for today:-

Destinations:  FaMESHed, Fancy Fall, Theory

KraftWork Bookshelf Decor . Decorative Bowl 2 – (New Release @ FaMESHed)

KraftWork Bookshelf Decor . Set of Books 4 – (New Release @ FaMESHed)

Fancy Fall Hazelnut Pourover - (New Release @ K9 Weekend Sale event)

Theory . String of Pearls Takeout Planter (Pesto) – (New Release @ Harajuku Event)

.Shi : Vintage Spoons

Nutmeg. Cottage Porch

Nutmeg. Sunroom Armchair Adult

This post first appeared on SL Destinations R Us, please read the originial post: here

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#1187 Coffee - a fragrant gift that awakens the senses and cultivates gratitude for life's simple, yet exquisite pleasures..☕
